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Thursday, February 28 2019

I don’t remember precisely when I joined the illustrious ranks of those blocked from reading race-hustler Shaun King’s Twitter feed.  It might have been after I authored this article, but I can’t be sure.  But it seems that King is embroiled in yet another scandal of his own making. 

I say another because I don’t believe the most egregious one has been settled yet.  There is a mountain of evidence that suggests King is actually a white man posing as a black man for profit.  As I mentioned in that linked article above, sports pundit Clay Travis has even offered to pay $50,000 to charity if Shaun King takes a DNA test to prove that he is at least 25% black.  King never took the challenge.

That could be because the accusation is true, or it could be because King is too busy going after critics who are actually black with threats of legal action. 

Clarissa Brooks, a self-identified “black queer” author, as well as black journalist Earnest Owens have both been threatened by King.  Owens wrote,

“This week, [Shaun King] has sent me multiple emails, with several prominent Black lawyers attached, threatening legal action if I didn't immediately retract previous posts I've made about him. I personally find this to be a form of intimidation as a Black journalist.”

Card-carrying leftist black journalist Imani Gandy wasn’t reserved in her feelings about King’s antics:

"Somebody should tell Shaun King that his house better be in order, because if he’s suing over an allegedly defamatory tweet, any defense lawyer would have a discovery FIELD DAY if even a quarter of the allegations against him are true. Is he ready for that smoke? I doubt it."

And perhaps most condemning of all was author and activist Preston Mitchum who hammered,

“Shaun King is a terror. I mean exactly what I say. For far too long, he's used bloodied Black bodies for retweets and calls it 'information,' he's targeted journalists and young Black women attempting to him accountable. This is a disgrace.”

This is what happens when you make your life calling dividing and race-baiting people.  It eventually comes home to roost.  It’s not that any of us should wish ill on King or delight in seeing him deal with the troubles he has brought on himself.  But it’s important to highlight this as a cautionary tale for others tempted to walk in King’s race-baiting footsteps.  No matter the profit it brings you, it never ends well.

Posted by: Peter Heck AT 08:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email