Tuesday, February 26 2019
There is an intra-acronym divorce that is looming within the LGBT movement. The L’s – or at least a growing number of vocal L’s – have come to accept that the T’s aren’t on the same team. In fact, they’re diametrically opposed to everything that the L’s (and the G’s for that matter) have fought to establish over the last few decades of their sexual revolution. For quite some time several of us Bible believers have pointed out the incongruity of homosexual and transgender dogma. Increasing numbers of conservatives have pointed to the historical reality that revolutionaries will always, when given enough time, turn on one another. And that appears to be precisely what is unfolding. The first rumbles might have been noticed at this year’s London Pride March where there was a conspicuous sign that couldn’t be overlooked. Its words screamed, “Transactivism Erases Lesbians.” It was a particularly cutting accusation given that transgender activists have used that same charge to advance their own cause. Still, while cutting it isn’t inaccurate. Gay activist and author Andrew Sullivan explains why:
And it’s important to realize this isn’t just academic opposition. It has real-life consequences, and those, perhaps more than anything else, are what seem to be motivating an increasingly vocal lesbian revolt against their transgender foes. Julia Beck, an outspoken lesbian, was recently kicked off Baltimore’s LGBTQ commission. Her crime? Offending the pronoun police in the transgender crusade.
And Beck isn’t the only lesbian who has suffered the consequences of being a member of the less-favored victim category at the moment. Iconic tennis legend Martina Navratilova has been dropped from the advisory board and ambassador position for the LGBT group “Athlete Ally.” Why? Because Navratilova wrote these words in a Sunday Times op-ed:
First, let’s acknowledge that what Navratilova said is 100% accurate. That feminists are not up in arms about men competing in women’s athletic events and stealing their rightly-earned glory is astounding. Navratilova is merely stating the obvious; but the transgender movement demands that our culture be at war with the obvious. Second, let’s pause and realize just who this is that is now being called transphobic and a proponent of discrimination, hateful stereotypes, and violence. Martina Navratilova has done more to advance the homosexual rights movement than perhaps any sports figure in history. She “came out” in the 1980s and faced far more opposition to her positions than any of these modern sexual revolutionaries will ever know. She should, in every way imaginable, be their hero. Instead, she’s slammed as a hater and kicked out of the club. Lesbians everywhere should be on notice: if they’re willing to trample the name, legacy, and reputation of Martina Navratilova, they’re willing to do it to you. And for all those who have advanced the identity crusade of homosexualism the last several years, your greatest enemy is not conservative Christians who point towards redemption in Jesus. Your greatest enemy is in your own acronym. |