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Tuesday, January 22 2019

There’s been a marked change in the abortion movement in the last year, which could be the result of a number of factors:

  • It could be the shifting demographics of the war over the practice as increasing numbers of polls show younger Americans (particularly young women) are more approving of restrictions on the gruesome act. 
  • It could be the change in leadership as Cecile Richards – a woman who desperately attempted to hide that abortion was the driving engine behind Planned Parenthood – to Leana Wen who seems willing to celebrate that fact.
  • It could be the growing sense of discomfort over the undeniable ideological shift taking place on the U.S. Supreme Court.

But whatever the case may be, the days of progressives whitewashing their abortion obsession, the days of them pretending to want the practice “rare,” have given way to a macabre embrace of this grisly act.

Perhaps the most illuminating and revealing videos to demonstrate this happened in the legislature of New York on the 46th anniversary of the landmark Roe v Wade decision.  It’s not what you see in the video, retweeted by a number of sources both pro-life and pro-abortion.  It’s what you hear: raucous applause for the passage of something called the “Reproductive Health Act.”  Here’s the clip: 

As you listen to that applause, realize that this is what is being celebrated:

  • Aborting a human child in the womb was added to the constitution of the state of New York.
  • Individuals who are not doctors are now allowed to commit an abortion in the state.
  • Dismembering a full-term baby up to the point of delivery is now considered legal and moral.
  • Legal protections for babies who survive an attempted abortion were repealed.

And that is being applauded.  That was celebrated by pink lights illuminating the spires of One World Trade Center.  God help us all.

I love so many of my dear friends who speak often about their commitment to “social justice” issues.  But I would be failing the calling I believe God has given all of us who strive to follow His commands if I did not say this unequivocally and clearly:

If you do not speak out against this gravest of injustices,

If you are silent about devastation it brings particularly to minority communities,

If you pretend that any other moral challenge of our day comes anywhere close to the injustice of robbing an innocent tiny image bearer of the Creator her right to live as God had ordained,  

If you willfully associate with any political movement or ideology that condones such gruesome and self-serving practices, please speak no more about “social justice.” 

Whether it’s motivated by your cowardice, compromise, or confusion, you are no champion of such a noble cause. 

Those who are, those who have moral courage, please pray for New York.  Pray for this country.  Pray that God will grant us His wisdom in calling a lost generation to repentance, and that He will grant them enough time to respond.

Posted by: Peter Heck AT 10:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email