Last Friday, Democrats led the House of Representatives in passing legislation to allow the open practice of homosexuality in the United States military for the first time in our history. This is a catastrophic move that is coming as the result of political correctness trumping common sense.
It also demonstrates the extraordinary success of the rabid homosexual lobby that has, in a matter of just a few decades, successfully altered the landscape of this and other debates regarding depraved sexual conduct. Because of their ceaseless onslaught of propaganda, a majority of Americans (some even within the church) have come to believe in the existence of a group of people whose natural state is "homosexual." We now casually use this terminology, assuming that there are "heterosexuals" and "homosexuals."
When we accept this baseline, we have detached ourselves from rational thinking. We have allowed the debates over "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," marriage rights, hospital visitation and other legislative objectives like adoption privileges to become ones of civil rights and fairness. And once those advancing homosexuality have successfully framed these debates in this way, those holding to traditional morality are helpless. They are easily portrayed as cruel, discriminatory, hateful bigots unwilling to extend the rights they want for themselves to others who are not like them. Needless to say, this is all by design. It has been the stated strategy of the homosexual agenda from the start.
Yet all it would take to undo this fraudulent charade is basic common sense - the greatest enemy of political correctness. So here it is: all sexual behavior - married heterosexual conduct, adulterous heterosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia, homosexuality, pedophilia, coprophilia, polyamory...ALL of it - is chosen behavior. No one is compelled into any sexual conduct. Even those who choose to abide by God's design for sex within the confines of a married, monogamous, man/woman relationship, how, when and if they engage in sexual behavior is a choice. It has nothing to do with unalterable, unchangeable, immutable characteristics.
A person's natural state is that of male or female. From there, people choose what kind of sexual behavior, if any, to participate in. They choose whether to conform to Biblical standards, societal standards, or no standards at all. But since what they do sexually is always chosen behavior, it has nothing to do with their identity. Who a person is, is different than what a person does.
Once we regain this rational baseline for our thinking, we soon realize how terribly (and intentionally) skewed this debate over "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has become. The ban that has existed from the infancy of the American military until today has not been on any group of has been on the open practice of a chosen sexual behavior. Moreover, homosexuality is but one of many sexual practices that has been banned by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Even attempts of heterosexual adultery are forbidden. Is that discriminatory against heterosexuals?
Therefore, the proper debate regarding "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" should not be held as one that will determine whether certain people can serve. That is a false premise. The debate should be held over whether or not those who do serve should be banned from participating in certain sexual behaviors.
Since the Uniform Code of Military Justice seeks, "to promote the well-being, morale...and good order and discipline" of our armed forces, we should be asking whether the open practice of men having sex with men is dangerous to military cohesion.
We should be asking whether or not the devastating physical effects of men having sex with men is conducive to a healthy and strong fighting force.
We should be asking if the preponderance of sexual transmitted diseases found in men having sex with men represents any concerns with the necessity of battlefield blood transfusions.
We should be asking if the same reasons the military forbids men and women from sharing barracks (avoiding sexual aggression, harassment and counterproductive distractions) should not preclude the open acceptance of men having sex with men.
These are the rational grounds upon which this debate should be fought. Failing to recognize, articulate and demand as much guarantees the outcome - one in which grounded and clear thinking individuals are labeled bigots, and in which the most powerful military in world history surrenders to its most dangerous foe...political correctness.