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Sunday, March 15 2009
The feud between Obama Democrats and Rush Limbaugh is getting old.  It is now common knowledge that the Obama White House strategized to make the conservative talker ‘the face of the Republican Party,’ and then unleash a barrage of negative publicity towards him.  George W. Bush had been the boogeyman upon which they built their rise to power, and Rush Limbaugh would be the boogeyman they would use to sustain it.  Tasteful politics from the man who told us in his inaugural address that he had, “come to proclaim the end of petty grievances, the recriminations that have strangled our politics…the time has come to set aside childish things.”  Petty grievances, recriminations, childishness…Barack Obama knows what-of he speaks.

For his own part, Rush Limbaugh provided fodder for the left by asserting a desire to see President Obama fail.  The faux outrage that has been manufactured by the left in response to this obvious desire is pathetic.  The Obama administration and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) have pounced upon it as un-American, unpatriotic, and disloyal.

Liberal talk show host Stephanie Miller suggested to CNN’s Larry King that Rush should be executed for treason.  And while not calling for his execution, MSNBC liberal host Rachel Maddow said to Jay Leno, “Actually rooting for the failure of your own federal government is pretty creepy.”  Unfortunately Jay didn’t think to ask her why she was so creepy during the previous president’s two terms.  And this, of course, reveals the hypocrisy behind the left’s silly protestations about Rush’s comment.

When President George W. Bush enacted wiretaps for terrorist surveillance, sought to “privatize” Social Security, and stayed the course in Iraq, the left wanted him to fail.  A 2006 Opinion Dynamics poll reveals 51% of Democrats expressed a desire to see it happen.

But this reality is evidently lost on liberals seeking to capitalize politically on misrepresenting Rush and other conservatives’ perspectives.  Take for instance the false choice proffered by the Today Show’s Matt Lauer when talking to RNC Chairman Michael Steele: “Mr. Steele, there are as many Republicans out there as well as Democrats who are unemployed right now. People are hurting across this country. Republicans, as I mention, like Democrats are losing their homes, they're unable to send their kids to school. Do you think those Republicans want the policies of Barack Obama to fail right now?”  Nice try, Matt.

Lauer’s bait is one being copycatted by liberals across the country.  I’ve even been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of this false choice, having been challenged by a listener: “Do you hope Obama succeeds with his policies or do you hope the economy continues to get worse?”  The underlying assumption is that Obama’s policies will actually help the economy improve, which they won’t.  Therefore the correct answer is, “I hope Obama fails because if he succeeds, his policies will make our problems much worse.”

The Obama administration has proposed a carbon tax that will cause the price of gasoline and energy to skyrocket in this country.  He doesn’t deny that, but justifies it because he believes in the global warming hoax and wants to force Americans off of carbon-based fuels (oil, coal, etc.).  And what better way to accomplish this than make things that are carbon-based too expensive for Americans to purchase?

The dirty little secret is that we have no viable alternative to fossil fuels, and therefore once they become too expensive to purchase, our economy will be deprived of its lifeblood and will grind to a halt.  If you drive a car, have a job, turn on a light switch, or eat, you are going to be negatively affected by this foolish policy.  Not to mention that you will never have seen a quicker exodus of jobs to foreign countries then you will when businesses relocate to places like China and India that don’t and won’t have a carbon tax.

So let’s clear up any lingering confusion over this Obama failure issue.  The President’s policies are driving the markets into the gutter, spending tax dollars (in a time of severe recession) to fund abortions overseas, and are preparing to obliterate the manufacturing base in the United States.  They punish success, deprive us all of our economic freedom, and seek to remake this country in the model of a European welfare state.

I not only join with Rush Limbaugh in hoping President Obama fails in his revolution, I pray he will, and will use whatever voice I have to ensure he does.  Any freedom-loving American would.

Peter W. Heck
Posted by: Peter Heck AT 08:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
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A friend said "Check out this wacko". My friend was right. It is to bad free speech includes people like you.
Posted by Jerry on 04/29/2009 19:14:41
Wow! I wish people would wake up. How obvious are all of your comments especially about what will happen if fuel prices are diven up in this country. It is a very sad day when common sense is not only shunned but ridiculed as being "wacko." I mean, what exactly do liberals believe will happen when the fuel that runs our society is too expensive for the people to purchase. Do they want to break our backs completely. Talk about cutting off your nose despite your face.
Posted by Trevor R on 05/05/2009 20:10:31

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