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Komen Disgraces Their Own Cause
Call it Planned Parenthood's war on choice. In less time than it takes to scald a child to death with a saline injection into the womb, the rabid pro-abortion lobby descended like vultures down upon the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. The Komen crime? They dared exercise their right to choose when it came to whom they gave donations and funding.
The relationship between Komen and the abortion mill has always been a baffling one on several levels. Komen was started as an organization that sought to find ways to save the sick and suffering. Planned Parenthood began as an organization based upon the Margaret Sanger lie of eugenics that taught weaker beings should be exterminated. Komen exists upon the fundamental concept that all life is valuable. Planned Parenthood exists upon the fundamental deceit that only "wanted" or "convenient" life is worthy of protection. Komen's answer to social problems is to strive to find ways to support the living. Planned Parenthood's answer to social problems is to increase access to killing procedures.
And then there's the abortion/breast cancer link that leaves a rational mind boggled as to why an abortion provider would ever receive funding from an organization fighting breast cancer.
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