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A NEW Video Master Class from Peter Heck


The Bible may have transformed the world. But why should it transform yours?

Can we really know the Bible is what it claims to be?

If you've wrestled with these questions, you will love Peter Heck's 8-session video course that will leave you convinced the Bible is The Surest Thing on Earth.


  • 8 Video Sessions totaling over 2 hours of Peter's teaching
  • A nearly 200 page easy-to-read book including all course notes
  • 8 downloadable mp3s for learning on-the-go
  • Study questions for small group discussion


This course was designed and produced with you in mind. Whether you are a lifelong Christian, a baby believer, or a skeptic, these sessions will challenge, fascinate, and encourage you.

WORK AT YOUR OWN PACE. You can watch all 8 sessions in one day, or digest them over months. With full access you can view and review any session at any time.

STUDY ALONE OR TOGETHER. The course is perfect for individualized study or for group Bible study. Video sessions are designed with study questions that are discussion starters for small groups.


Session One - INSPIRATION : Inspired means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But what did the Biblical authors mean when they claimed to be inspired by the Spirit?

Session Two - HONESTY : How can we know that the Bible's authors weren't trying to deceive us, or weren't deceived themselves?  How can we know that they weren't writing fiction?

Session Three - CONSISTENCY : With books written by 40 authors, in 3 languages, on 3 continents, how consistent and harmonious can the message of Scripture truly be?

Session Four - ACCURACY : What about the translation disagreements? Who decided what books should be in the Bible? How do we know it hasn't changed through time?

Session Five - EVIDENCE : Does the historical, geological, and archaeological evidence we have found validate the figures, locations, and history of the Bible?

Session Six - INSIGHT : Are there ways to explain away the Bible's predictive prophecy? How can we know that those prophecies weren't made afterwards? And hasn't science disproved claims of the Bible?

Session Seven - RESPONSE : How can we engage and reach people with the truth of the Bible when we can't remember all the facts, stats, and figures of the previous sessions?

Session Eight - TRUTH : If we choose not to trust the authority of the Bible, what are we left with?  And how does it stand up to the same scrutiny we apply to the Bible?